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These blogs were written between 2021 and 2022 for entrapeer, the first evidence-based innovation platform.

Entrapeer’s carefully curated ecosystem of vetted use cases and verified startups empowers enterprises to unlock new business opportunities, increase revenue, and accelerate digital transformation.

The Top 5 Obstacles to Corporate Innovation

Published Dec. 13, 2021

Back in 1958, S&P 500 corporations had an average stay of 61 years. But since 2000, 52% of enterprises in the Fortune 500 have either “gone bankrupt, been acquired, or ceased to exist” due to digital transformation.*

The data shows that – in the Digital Age – an enterprise’s survival depends on its ability to innovate.

But “innovation” is one of those buzzwords that’s been so overused, that it’s practically lost its meaning. So, what is corporate innovation really?

What is Corporate Innovation?

Simply put, innovation is creative problem-solving. It’s outside-the-box thinking.

Corporate innovation gets complicated because large enterprises tend to like their boxes. After all, boxes keep everything nice and tidy. But, as the COVID-19 pandemic has made abundantly clear, innovation is not a luxury companies can afford to neglect.

Innovation is no longer about gaining a competitive edge: it’s essential if a corporation wants to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving world. It is mission-critical to building better products, improving organizational efficiency, and retaining customers.

Of course, it’s difficult for enterprises to invent and iterate fast enough to achieve these goals. That’s why startup partnerships are so invaluable to keeping enterprises ahead of the curve.

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The First Evidence-based Innovation Platform

Published Feb. 17, 2022

Imagine this: you come across a new, life-changing product. Maybe it’s a pet translator or maybe it’s the touch screen shower curtain you’ve always dreamed of. What’s the first thing you do?

You look for reviews.

The more grandiose the product’s promise, the more you’re going to want proof to back up that claim. But what if there aren’t any reviews? What if this revolutionary product is so new, that there isn’t social proof to validate its value?

You might scour Google looking for testimonials. Eventually you might land on the company’s website and find yourself scrolling until you come across that much vaunted (but ultimately valueless) banner of logos with a header like “As Seen In” or “Our Partners” or “Past Clients.”

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The 4 Stages of the Corporate Innovation Relationship

Published April 7, 2022

Imagine online dating without an app.

You turn to your trusted search engine and enter some terms to describe your soulmate. The results are…questionable.

You’ve got an ad for Five Guys (who knows why), some amazon results for romance novels, and one Cosmo listicle that looks like it should be rated X. Even after you’ve applied filters, the results are mostly articles about the topic at hand (“top 10 cities to be single!”) rather than solutions to the problem you’re trying to solve (i.e. your singleness).

If you have a particular person in mind, maybe you post to Craigslist’s – only to have your inbox flooded with love letters from total strangers who don’t fit the bill and clearly didn’t bother to read past “in search of”…

Disheartened, you ignore the messages and go back to hoping that by some miracle, you’ll find the magic words to separate the wheat from the chaff and meet your soulmate.

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5 Lessons from Building a SaaS Corporate Innovation Platform

Published May 3, 2022

In the SaaS startup world, there is perhaps nothing more gratifying than pulling the trigger and pressing that “go live” button to launch your platform. Especially after years of research, tireless A/B testing, countless espressos, and considerable lack of sleep.

We speak from experience.

This past month, entrapeer was finally able to launch the beta version of our corporate innovation platform.

But before we get buried in more tasks, we wanted to spend some time reflecting on the past few years and all we’ve learned about building a platform that fosters collaboration between startups and corporates.

So, without further ado, here are the 5 most invaluable lessons we learned in the process of developing our innovation platform.

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